ICIS Tops Johnson County IREAD Scores
August 30, 2023 Author: Indian Creek Schools

In a recent report from the Indiana Department of Education, ICIS third graders ranked number one in Johnson County for reading proficiency. The assessment score of 94.10%, up from 92.4% in 2022, placed the ICIS third grade in the top 10% across the state.
The Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination (IREAD-3) is a third-grade reading assessment designed to measure foundational reading skills based on Indiana Academic Standards through grade three. These results mark the third consecutive year that Indian Creek has led the county in IREAD proficiency. ICIS Principal Ellen Rollings credits the work of her staff, who routinely provide real-time feedback on specific areas of improvement, and the dedication of ICIS students to their learning success.
"We are proud of our IREAD-3 results, "said Rollings. "Our staff works very hard to provide effective and engaging instruction. We look closely at our data to ensure that every student needing extra support receives a research-based intervention to close the reading gap. We are going to continue to push students to achieve their potential!"
Third-grade students across the state of Indiana take the IREAD test each March. ICIS gave a benchmark assessment at the beginning of the school year to help teachers understand where each student starts. Throughout the year, third-grade teachers and support staff worked with students and to give every child the support they need to learn reading skills.
"We are super proud of our students' hard work and their family's support," said third-grade teacher Sally Ankney. "We focus a lot on teaching students reading skills and how to apply that knowledge throughout the school year. Third grade is a foundational year for reading and preparing them for future success. Our team worked hard this year preparing all students, and we are excited for their success!"